Peer-reviewed publications
Piest, S. & Schreck, P. (2020). Contests and unethical behavior in organizations: a review and synthesis of the empirical literature. Management Review Quarterly.
Schreck, P. (2020). Volume or value? How relative performance information affects task strategy and performance. Journal of Business Economics 90(5-6), 733–755.
Pies, I., Schreck, P., & Homann, K. (2020). Single-objective versus multi-objective theories of the firm: using a constitutional perspective to resolve an old debate. Review of Managerial Science. Advance online publication.
Schreck, P., van Aaken, D., & Homann, K. (2019). “There’s Life in the Old Dog Yet”: The Homo economicus model and its value for behavioral ethics. Journal of Business Economics 90(3) , 401–425.
Kannenberg, L. & Schreck, P. (2019). Integrated Reporting: Boon or Bane? A Review of Empirical Research on its Determinants and Implications. Journal of Business Economics, 89(5), 515–556.
Thakhathi, A. (2019). Creative start-up capital raising for inclusive sustainable development: A case study of Boswa ba Rona Development Corporation's self-reliance. Journal of Cleaner Production. Advance online publication.
Thakhathi, A. (2019). Changing the moral of the story: a critique of the global North’s social narrative about Africa’s sustainable development. African Renaissance, 16 (Special Issue 1 March 2019), 11-39. 10.31920/2516-5305/2019/s1n1a1
Thakhathi, A., le Roux, C., & Davis, A. (2019). Sustainability Leaders’ Influencing Strategies for Institutionalising Organisational Change towards Corporate Sustainability: A Strategy-as-Practice Perspective. Journal of Change Management. Advance online publication.
Hartmann, F. & Schreck, P. (2018). Rankings, Performance and Sabotage: The Moderating Effects of Target Setting. European Accounting Review, 27(2), 363–382.
Schreck, P. & Raithel, S. (2018). Corporate Social Performance, Firm Size, and Organizational Visibility - Distinct and Joint Effects on Voluntary Sustainability Reporting. Business & Society, 57(4), 742–778.
Feldhaus, C., Sobotta, T., & Werner, P. (2018). Norm Uncertainty and Voluntary Payments in the Field. Management Science, 65(4), 1855-1866.
Feldhaus, C., Sobotta, T., & Werner, P. (2018). Reminders for voluntary payments might backfire—Evidence from a field study. Economics Letters, 171, 133-136.
Küpper, H.-U. & Schreck, P. (2017). Controlling und Unternehmensethik [Management Accounting and Ethics]. Controlling, 29(4), 12–18.
Schreck, P. (2016). Experimentelle Ethik – Eine kritische Analyse ihrer Relevanz für die Ordnungsethik [Experimental Ethics – A critical Analysis of its Relevance for Institutional Ethics]. Die Betriebswirtschaft, 76(4), 303–323.
Schreck, P. (2015). Honesty in Managerial Reporting: How Competition Affects the Benefits and Costs of Lying. Critical Perspectives on Accounting 27, 177–188.
Beltz, P. & Schreck, P. (2014). Bildungsengagement von Unternehmen und der ‚Business Case for CSR‘ – Konzeption sowie Ansätze zur Steuerung [Corporate Engagement in Education and the Business Case for CSR – Concepts and Management]. Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis, 66(3), 330–352.
Schreck, P., van Aaken, D., & Donaldson, T. (2013). Positive Economics and the Normativistic Fallacy: Bridging the Two Sides of CSR. Business Ethics Quarterly, 23(2), 297–330.
Schreck, P. (2011). Reviewing the Business Case for Corporate Social Responsibility: New Evidence and Analysis. Journal of Business Ethics, 103(2), 167–188.
Schreck, P. (2011). Ökonomische Corporate Social Responsibility Forschung – Konzeptionalisierung und kritische Analyse ihrer Bedeutung für die Unternehmensethik [Evaluating the Relevance of Economic Approaches to CSR within Business Ethics]. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 81(7), 745–769.
Van Aaken, D., Küpper, H.-U., & Schreck, P. (2011). Notwendigkeit, Ziele und Inhalte der unternehmensethischen Ausbildung in der Betriebswirtschaftslehre [Teaching Business Ethics in Management Education: Relevance, Aims, and Contents]. Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 81(1), 39–62.
Küpper, H.-U. & Schreck, P. (2008). Unternehmensethik in Praxis, Forschung und Lehre – Status quo und Perspektiven im deutschsprachigen Raum [The State of Business Ethics in German-Speaking Countries: Management Practice, Research, and Teaching]. Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 60(58), 72–92.