Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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1. Wittenberger Herbstakademie

The "Autumn Academy Wittenberg" took place from the 5th to the 9th of Decemeber in Lutherstadt Wittenberg. This tradition-steeped event, which has formally been hosted for 20 years in the city of Weingarten, was now organized for the first time by the Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics. Twenty Students and Graduates participated and learned about the theoretical foundations and potential applications of business ethics.

The framework programme contained lectures given by Prof. Dr. Philipp Schreck, Prof. Dr. Andreas Suchanek und Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Klaus M. Leisinger as well as practical impulses by Prof. Dr. Volker Deville (former director of the Allianz), Dr. Frank Simon (board member, DNWE) und Dr. Martin von Broock (chairman, WCGE).

The team of the Friede-Springer-Chair of Business Ethics and Management Accounting was significantly involved in the design and implementation of the event: Philipp Schreck gave an introductory lecture about the theoretical basics of business ethics, Simon Piest and Julia Grimm carried out a case study about the industry agreement “Bündnis für nachhaltige Textilien” and Linda Kannenberg  and Tassilo Sobotta performed a simulation game on Corporate Social Responsibility.

The attendees, who had different academic backgrounds, participated commitedly and used the time for discussion and to establish new contacts.
