Flyer Research Workshop (Feldhaus).pdf
Flyer Research Workshop (Feldhaus).pdf
(274.9 KB) vom 13.04.2022
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Research Workshop: Dr. Feldhaus, Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Bema regularly invites internationally renowned researchers to Halle for lively scientific exchange in our Workshop: Research in Ethics and Accounting. On the 26th of April, Dr. Christoph Feldhaus will join us at 12.30 pm, to give a talk on Group decisions are more libertarian than individual decisions.
Abstract: We conduct laboratory experiments to study why, when, and how groups intervene in other people’s choices, and how the intervention behavior of groups differs from that of individuals. Across two different decision situations, we report robust evidence that groups are less likely to intervene in others’ choices than individuals. Exploiting the content of group chats, we show that the difference between groups and individuals seems due to social-image concerns: group members shy away from proposing interventions during the group discussions.
Possibility to speak about your own research: If you want to have an uncomplicated informal talk with Dr. Feldhaus alone, write an e-mail to These talks take place on Tuesday morning for maximum 30 min
This research workshop provides an informal setting for discussing current research from economic ethics, behavioral economics, management accounting, and related fields. We are looking forward to seeing many colleagues, doctoral candidates, and professors at the talk! Registration is not necessary. According to the pandemic rules, it is necessary to wear FFP2 mask. A medical mask is not allowed.