Tassilo Sobotta

Foto: Yvonne Most Fotografie
Since May 2015 I am working at the Chair of Business Ethics and Management Accounting. I studied at the LMU Munich and at the University of Cologne with majors in finance and behavioral economics. Working for a private equity fund and small and medium-sized enterprises I got practical experience in the field of finance and management accounting. My research interests lie in the field of behavioral economics and experimental economics.
Sobotta, T. & Schreck, P. (2021). Digitalisierung, Unternehmensverantwortung und Self-Governance. WCGE Policy Brief Series, Policy Brief #6.
Feldhaus, C., Sobotta, T., & Werner, P. (2018). Norm Uncertainty and Voluntary Payments in the Field. Management Science, 65 (4), 1855-1866. doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2017.2937
Feldhaus, C., Sobotta, T., & Werner, P. (2018). Reminders for voluntary payments might backfire—Evidence from a field study. Economics Letters, 171, 133-136.