Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Andani Thakhathi

Andani Thakhathi

Andani Thakhathi

Andani Thakhathi

Andani was part of the bema team from 2016 to 2019. He wrote his dissertation on the topic:

Indigenous Entrepreneurial New Venture Creation for Poverty Eradication: an antenarrative case study of the „Boswa ba Rona“ Development Corporation’s emergence.


Thakhathi, A. (2019). Creative start-up capital raising for inclusive sustainable development: A case study of Boswa ba Rona Development Corporation's self-reliance. Journal of Cleaner Production. Advance online publication.   

Thakhathi, A. (2019). Changing the moral of the story: a critique of the global North’s social narrative about Africa’s sustainable development. African Renaissance, 16 (Special Issue 1 March 2019), 11-39. 10.31920/2516-5305/2019/s1n1a1   

Thakhathi, A., le Roux, C., & Davis, A. (2019). Sustainability Leaders’ Influencing Strategies for Institutionalising Organisational Change towards Corporate Sustainability: A Strategy-as-Practice Perspective. Journal of Change Management. Advance online publication.   

Thakhathi, A. (2018). Champions of Change and Organizational Development: A Return to Schön and Typology for Future Research and Practice. In D. A. Noumair and A. B. (Rami) Shani (Eds.): Research in Organizational Change and Development (Research in Organizational Change and Development, Vol. 26, pp. 265-306). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.   

Thakhathi, A. (2017). Bringing International Sustainability Guidelines Home: A Case Study of a Mega South African State-Owned Enterprise. In M. Schwartz and H. Harris (Eds.): Ethics in the Global South (Research in Ethical Issues in Organizations, Vol. 18, pp. 71-89). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.   

Thakhathi, A. (2017). Historical lessons for Africa's gender parity-based sustainable development. Gender and Behaviour, 15(2), 8643-8653.   
