Newsarchiv: Business Ethics & Management Accounting
Jahr 2022
Unternehmensbesichtigung - Spreadshirt
18.03.2022: Wir (Spreadshirt bzw. Spread Group ) bieten am 21.04.2022 eine kostenfreie Unternehmensbesichtigung für Interessent*innen (unter Einhaltung der 3G-Regel) an, bei der neben einer Führung durch unsere Leipziger Produktionshalle unser Onboarding-Prozess im Fokus stehen wird.
Job advertisement for a position as research fellow 75%
The bema team is looking for reinforcement in the form of a research fellow (75%).
For details on the job advertisement please follow the link.
Jahr 2021
Brown Bag Research Workshop with Prof. Bertrand Malsch
22.12.2021: Prof. Bertrand Malsch from Queen`s University (Canada) will give an online lecture in English on "Auditing at the margins of the audit society: Lessons from Indigenous engagements in Northern Canada" on 19.01.2022.
Wolfgang Ritter-Preis 2021
28.10.2021: Gleich zwei unserer Doktorandinnen, Dr. Julia Grimm und Dr. Rebecca C. Ruehle, wurden für Ihre Dissertationen mit dem höchstdotierten deutschen Preis für wissenschaftliche Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaftslehre, dem Wolfgang Ritter-Preis des Jahres 2021, ausgezeichnet.
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft gesucht
06.07.2021: wir suchen zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (m/w/d), die über Kenntnisse zur Programmierung von Websites mit HTML und Java Script verfügt. Näheres siehe pdf-file.
Call for papers
25.06.2021: Special Issue on “The Ethics of Digitalization and Emerging Corporate Responsibilities in the Digital Age”
CMC goes digital
21.06.2021: Campus Meets Companies
The digital Carrer Fair for you and your future.
14.06.2021: Wir suchen am Lehrstuhl für Unternehmensethik und Controlling (Prof. Dr. Schreck) zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt eine wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft (m/w/d). Der Arbeitsumfang soll 25 Stunden im Monat betragen.
Internship on Corporate Digital Responsibility
07.06.2021: In the research area "Sustainable Corporate Management", the IÖW in Berlin is looking for as soon as possible
an intern (m/f/d)
(for 3 months*) full-time (39 hours per week)
Internship in the field of sustainability reporting
07.06.2021: In the research area "Sustainable Corporate Management", the IÖW in Berlin is looking for as soon as possible
an intern (m/f/d)(for 3 months*) full-time (39 hours per week)
Guest lecture of Prof. Nora Szech: Choice architecture and incentives increase COVID-19 vaccine intentions and test demand
28.04.2021: Time: 05.05.2021, 12:30 p.m.
Presenter: Prof. Nora Szech (University of Karlsruhe)
Willingness to vaccinate and test are critical in the COVID-19 pandemic. We study the effects of two measures to increase vaccination and testing: “choice architecture” and monetary compensations. Choice architecture has the goal of “nudging” people into a socially desired direction without affecting their choice options. Compensations reward vaccine takers and are already in use by some organizations. Yet there is the concern that compensations may decrease vaccination if compensations erode intrinsic motivation to vaccinate. We show that both approaches, compensations and choice architecture, significantly increase COVID-19 test and vaccine demand. Yet, for vaccines, low compensations can backfire.
If you want to participate, feel free to join via Zoom.
Zoom Meeting-ID: 863 1708 4757, PW: 718747
scientific employee (m/f/d) for Social Entrepreneurship & Sustainabele Business Models (m/f/d)
22.02.2021: For the processing and acquisition of third-party funded research projects, we are looking in Berlin for the research field of corporate management and consumption as soon as scientific employee (m/f/d) (80% position, TVöD Bund EG 13, initially limited to the end of 2022)
Tasks:Scientific processing of ongoing inter- and trans-disciplinary research and consulting projects in the field of sustainability-oriented business research as well as participation in the conception and acquisition of new projects. One focus of the cooperation will be the BMBF project "
For detailed vacancy notice use: