Newsarchiv: Business Ethics & Management Accounting
Jahr 2018
PhD workshop in Cologne
19.11.2018: Last Friday, as part of the 8th International Conference on Sustainability and Responsibility in Cologne, the Center for Advanced Sustainable Management (CASM) and the Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics (WCGE) jointly offered a doctoral workshop for PhD students.
The bema team was represented by Philipp Schreck as well as PhD students Nils Kruse and Tassilo Sobotta.
sneep - 15th Anniversary
19.11.2018: Congratulations to the student network business ethics (sneep ) on their 15th anniversary! Last saturday, 150 participants celebrated the anniversary in Berlin. Philipp Schreck is a founding member of sneep, and bema PhD student Rebecca C. Ruehle currently serves as sneep`s CEO.
Six Doctoral Scholarships - Call for Applications
15.11.2018: For admissions in October 2019, the doctoral program "Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business" will award up to six doctoral scholarships. The application deadline is February 17, 2019.
Teaching Award 2018 - Vote now!
15.11.2018: Again, bema is competing for the Teaching Award (Lehrpreis), an award that is given to the three best "large" courses. Our Bachelor course Business Ethics (Unternehmensethik) is among the six finalists, and now the students will vote to elect the best course!
The poll can be found on StudIP, in the group Econ Students Council (FSR WiWi).
Wednesday: Training "How do I find literature for my thesis?"
19.10.2018: The training takes place this Wednesday (October 24) from 10:15 to 11:45 am in room SR1. All students are invited to join the event. There is no registration necessary. The training will be in German.
The Prisoners' Dilemma as a Comic Strip
17.10.2018: Philipp Schreck just published a case study based on the Prisoners‘ Dilemma. The classic story about two prisoners is told in a comic strip drawn by artist Max Baitinger . The comic is intended to be used as a case study in business ethics classes.
Wednesday, October 24: Guest lecture Steffen Roth
15.10.2018: As part of the workshop series "Research in Ethics and Accounting," Prof. Dr. Dr. Steffen Roth will give a talk titled "Deciding like a system: Luhmann for strategic management researchers."
Roth is a Full Professor of Strategic Management at La Rochelle Business School and a Honorary Full Professor of Sociology at the Yerevan State University.
The talk starts at 6 pm - we look forward to seeing many of you there!
THINK17 summit
26.09.2018: The THINK17 summit takes place on November 28/29 in Bochum. The summit takes up the 17th of the Sustainable Development Goals: partnerships for sustainable development. THINK17 provides an opportunity for exchange between CSR- and sustainability managers, researchers, representatives of foundations, and social entrepreneurs.
Article published in Economics Letters
08.08.2018: Together with his co-authors, Tassilo Sobotta investigated the effect of neutral reminders on payments in a setting where customers pay on a voluntary basis. They found that neutral reminders may increase the probability of payments. Extended messages that appeal to social preferences had no further positive effect.
Feldhaus , C., Sobotta, T., & Werner, P. (2018). Reminders for voluntary payments might backfire—Evidence from a field study. Economics Letters, 171, 133-136.
Best Paper Award for Tassilo Sobotta
10.07.2018: For the recently published article "Norm Uncertainty and Voluntary Payments in the Field" (Management Science), Tassilo Sobotta received the faculty`s best paper award for business studies. Congratulations!
Evaluation of our courses
10.07.2018: Towards the end of the term, students evaluated our courses. The results have been uploaded to this website.
Doctoral Workshop at 8. International CSR Conference in Cologne
05.07.2018: As part of the 8th International Conference on Sustainability & Responsibility, a doctoral workshop will take place. The workshop offers PhD students the opportunity to present their work and to discuss it with renowned experts from the field. Deadline for submission is July 7.