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Newsarchiv: Business Ethics & Management Accounting
Jahr 2020
New seminar: Theories of Business Ethics
30.01.2020: As of this summer semester we offer the seminar "Theories of Business Ethics." During the two-day-seminar Master students discuss prominent theories or schools of thought in buisness ethics including each approach's theoretical background, its methodology, and its main arguments. Please find more details under Teaching or on StudIP.
Apply now for one of six scholarships for the
doctoral program "Ethics and Responsible
Leadership in Business" at the WCGE
30.01.2020: Do you want to pursue a PhD in Business Ethics? Apply now for a scholarship for the PhD program starting November/December 2020. The application deadline is April 26, 2020.
Find out more about the doctoral program here . Find the call for applications here .
Jan 29 - Talk by Prof. Patrick Velte (Leuphana University Lüneburg)
23.01.2020: *** Wednesday, January 29, 6 pm, room SR1 ***
As part of the research workshop series "Ethics and Accounting" Patrick Velte visits from Lüneburg. He wil present his current research on the reporting of CO2 emissions.
Everyone is invited to join the talk and the following discussion.
Tesvolt founder Daniel Hannemann at "bema's finest"
23.01.2020: Like every year, we invited our best students to spend an evening together with the bema team and a company guest. Daniel Hannemann co-founded Tesvolt about five years ago in Wittenberg and gave us interesting insights about the development of the company. Afterwards, everyone got together to prepare various dishes with the theme "oriental evening."
Article published in "Review of Managerial Science"
09.01.2020: The paper is called "Single-objective versus multi-objective theories of the firm: using a constitutional perspective to resolve an old debate" and has been co-authored by Philipp Schreck, Ingo Pies, and Karl Homann.
Pies, I., Schreck, P., & Homann, K. (2020). Single-objective versus multi-objective theories of the firm: using a constitutional perspective to resolve an old debate. Review of Managerial Science. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11846-019-00376-x
Jahr 2019
Job Advertisement: Research Associate "Sustainable Management"
17.12.2019: The Institute for Ecological Economy Research Berlin is offering a job (in German).
Economic Research Colloquium on Nov 27
27.11.2019: As part of today`s economic research colloquium Philipp Schreck will discuss current research: "Altruistic cooperation and self-Governance. An experimantal study on social dilemmas with negative externalities". Everyone is cordially invited!
Wednesday | Nov 27 | 6 pm | Room SR.1
New course for Master students: Seminar paper
26.11.2019: As of now, students who want to write their Master`s thesis at bema can write a seminar paper beforehand. The seminar paper will prepare students for their thesis at bema. More information can be found on StudIP: Seminararbeit bei bema (Master)
bema receives insitu's funding award
25.11.2019: Each year, our faculty`s alumni association "insitu" awards funding for special projects and new ideas. This time, bema receives funding for a special teaching event. With insitu`s support, we can have our Bachelor/Masterseminar in Lutherstadt Wittenberg once again. We are grateful for this support!
Paper published in the Journal of Business Economics
19.11.2019: Together with Dominik van Aaken and Karl Homann, Philipp Schreck published a paper in the Journal of Business Economics. The paper is about the value of the homo economicus model for business ethics and it may be found here .
Schreck, P., van Aaken, D., & Homann, K. (2019). “There’s Life in the Old Dog Yet”: The Homo economicusmodel and its value for behavioral ethics. Journal of Business Economics. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s11573-019-00964-z
Wittenberg Interdisciplinary Business Ethics Conference
15.11.2019: The first Wittenberg Interdisciplinary Business Ethics Conference for young researchers took place on November 13 – 15. bema doctoral students Andani Thakhathi, Gonzalo Conti und Simon Piest discussed current research projects with other young researchers from the field. Philipp Schreck opened the conference with an impulse talk on the relation between normative and empirical business ethics research.
Defense Linda Kannenberg and Andani Thakhathi
11.11.2019: Linda Kannanberg and Andani Thakhathi successfully defended their dissertations on November 11. Congratulations!