Newsarchiv: Business Ethics & Management Accounting
Jahr 2020
Adaptations of our teaching due to the pandemic
30.09.2020: To facilitate interactive learning also during the pandemic, we implement digital teaching concepts in our courses. We strive to offer hybrid teaching as soon as possible, so that attendance is possible on site as well as from home.
Currently we upload lecture contents as videos. In addition, there are weekly video conferences in which students can ask questions and content can be further discussed. In some courses, students can self-assess their understanding with quizzes that we upload weekly.
Students can find the details in the respective Stud.IP courses. We also provide brief insight on the respective pages under Teaching (this websie).
bema alumna Julia Grimm wins "Best Book Award" at the Academy of Management
13.08.2020: Julia Grimm has won this year`s Best Book Award by the Social Issues in Management Division at the Academy of Management. The book, entitled "Private Governance as an Institutional Response to Wicked Problems", is based on her PhD research at bema.
Master's students: Apply now (this week) for the 5th Herbstakademie (Fall Academy) "Economic and Business Ethics"
12.08.2020: Twenty students from different universities and fields of study will come together for five days of intensive study on issues of business and corporate ethics. The event will take place from 28.09.-02.10.2020, this year in online format.
In addition to speakers from the academic world, high-profile guests from business and civil society will take part in the Herbstakademie and provide exciting impulses and examples from practice.
More information about the Herbstakademie and the application procedure can be found here . The new application deadline is 16 August 2020.
PhD defenses at bema
17.07.2020: Two doctoral students defended their dissertations last week: Simon Piest and Dmitri Bershadskyy - congratulations! The defenses took place as online conferences.
14th Zittau Talks on Business Ethics
02.07.2020: From November 12 to 13, 2020 the 14th Zittau Talks on business ethics will take place in Herrnhut (close to Zittau). This year the focus will be particularly on the topic "The Supply Chain - Human Rights, Digitization and Responsibility". Further information on the conference and the corresponding Call for Papers can be found here .
Paper published in Journal of Business Economics
02.07.2020: The latest issue of the Journal of Business Economics has just been published (Volume 90, Issue 5-6 ). It is a special issue on Management Accounting and Control.
The issue also includes a new article by Philipp Schreck: "Volume or value? How relative performance information affects task strategy and performance". The article can be downloaded here.
Participate now in an online study and win 50 EUR
26.06.2020: Colleagues are conducting an online study on the topic of false reports in corona (Covid-19). They still need many participants for the study. Participation takes about 20-25 minutes.
Among all participants 5 x 50 € will be raffled off! Click here for the study (in German only).
Successful PhD Defense
04.06.2020: Last week bema Alumna Rebecca Ruehle successfully defended her PhD thesis. The public defense took place as an online conference. The topic of her dissertation was "Corporate Nudging. A Concept Analysis and Ethical Inquiry". We warmly congratulate her and are happy with Rebecca about the completion of her dissertation. Rebecca is now working as Assistant Professor at the Free University of Amsterdam.
Upcoming Wednesday (May 6): Online talk by Ulf Schneider (Infineon)
04.05.2020: Together with the WZGE doctoral college, we are organising an exciting lecture on digital technologies after Corona. Ulf Schneider is Senior Director and Head of R&D for Embedded Security Solutions at Infineon Technologies in Munich. He will discuss how the Corona pandemic will change digital and social life. How do we need to change our lifestyle and how could digital technology help that we do not have to change?
The presentation starts at 11:00 am and will be held via the online conference service Zoom. Access data can be requested from Tobias Hübotter.
Five years of bema
01.04.2020: The bema chair was founded five years ago. On the occasion of this anniversary we have put together a very special brochure. The brochure comprises an introduction of the chair including insights into research and teaching of the past five years. Take a look at the brochure here!
Shift to Online Teaching
26.03.2020: To enable students to continue attending our courses, we are converting our teaching to online formats as far as possible. More specific details will be announced in the corresponding courses on StudIP.
7th Responsible Management Education Research Conference in Chur (October 2020)
07.02.2020: In October 2020, the 7th RME Research Conference will take place in Chur (Switzerland). A central topic of the conference is digitization and artificial intelligence, and their link to RME and the SDGs. It is now possible to suggest conference tracks.