Newsarchiv: Business Ethics & Management Accounting
Jahr 2017
Guest lecture Gerhard Minnameier
18.04.2017: Upcoming Wednesday (April 19), Gerhard Minnameier will give a lecture as part of our workshop series Research in Ethics & Accounting. Minnameier is Professor of Business Ethics and Business Education at the Goethe University Frankfurt. We cordially invite everyone to to see the lecture at 6.30 pm!
Start of Semester
18.04.2017: The lecture period began again! For example, Bachelor students may see the lecture "Business Ethics" (Unternehmensethik). Last year, this course received the students` teaching award (Lehrpreis 2016).
We are also looking foward to the Master seminar Advanced Management Accounting, the popular CSR simulation game, as well as our first Bachelor seminar, which will take place in Lutherstadt Wittenberg.
Doctoral Seminar
07.04.2017: Last week, we had our doctoral seminar in close proximity of the Bastei in Saxon Switzerland. Philipp Schreck and seven doctoral students discussed research questions and research results and planned the next milestones of their dissertation projects. After hard work, we used the wondeful weather for a long walk through the beautiful nature reserve in the Elbe Sandstone Mountains.
Scholarships for the PhD program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business”
The Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics (WCGE) and the Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin (LEIZ) will award up to six scholarships for the PhD program “Ethics and Responsible Leadership in Business”, starting in October 2017. Applications close on 24th March 2017.
Winter semester ending
31.01.2017: The winter term is ending, the lectures are completed. Again, the students evaluated our courses Spreadsheet Accounting, Cost Accounting, and Advanced Business Ethics. We are very happy about the positive results!
Lecture by Prof. Lutz Preuss (University of Sussex) on January 25
03.01.2017: Lutz Preuss will visit Halle and our chair as part of the workshop series "Research in Ethics and Accounting". Preuss is Professor of Strategic Management at the School of Business, Management and Economics (University of Sussex). In his lecture, Preuss will discuss what "paradoxical thinking" is, and how managers use it to evaluate sustainability challenges in the supply chain.
We are looking forward to the talk and hope to see many colleagues there!
bema annual report 2016
02.01.2017: 2016 was full of events for bema! Teaching, research, new colleagues- we summarized these events in an annual report (in German). Feel free to have a look at the report!
Jahr 2016
Training for seminar leaders in Wittenberg
16.12.2016: On November 24th and 25th, Philipp Schreck gave a training for prospective seminar leaders for the simulation game “Controlling & Corporate Social Responsibility”. This simulation was developed in cooperation with TATA Interactive Systems and is being used in several universities and companies.
The participants of the training qualify for the independent performance of the simulation game, for example in the context of classes or education and training. The curriculum contained fields of application, seminar design, methodology and didactics as well as the functions of the simulation.
For more information, see csr-simulation.com .
1. Autumn Academy Wittenberg
16.12.2016: The "Autumn Academy Wittenberg" took place from the 5th to the 9th of Decemeber in Lutherstadt Wittenberg. This tradition-steeped event, which has formally been hosted for 20 years in the city of Weingarten, was now organized for the first time by the Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics. Twenty Students and Graduates participated and learned about the theoretical foundations and potential applications of business ethics.
Our course "Business Ethics" is finalist for the award for best course 2016
07.12.2016: The award is given to the three best "large" courses (more than 50 students). Our Bachelor course "Business Ethics" (Unternehmensethik) is among the five finalists, and now the students will vote to elect the best course!
***To vote, sign up for the event "Econ Students Council" on Stud.IP. There you`ll find the poll for the award!***
Talk by Hans van Oosterhout on December 7 in Halle
08.11.2016: As part of the workshop series "Research in Ethics and Accounting", Hans van Oosterhout will present work on Authority and Democracy in Corporate Governance. Van Oosterhout is professor of corporate governance and responsibility at the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). His research is in comparative corporate governance, involving both comparisons between different national corporate governance systems, and comparisons between different forms of enterprise organization.
For more information about Van Oosterhout, see his website . Here you`ll find more information on the event. Interested faculty members and students are cordially invited to join the lecture!
December 7, 6 pm, room SR.1, Große Steinstr. 73
Talk by Hans van Oosterhout on December 7 in Halle
08.11.2016: As part of the workshop series "Research in Ethics and Accounting", Hans van Oosterhout will present his latest research results under the title "The Virtual Reality of Shareholder Democracy: Making Sense of the Corporate Governance Role of Shareholder Voting". Van Oosterhout is professor of corporate governance and responsibility at the Department of Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM). His research is in comparative corporate governance, involving both comparisons between different national corporate governance systems, and comparisons between different forms of enterprise organization.
For more information about Van Oosterhout, see his website . Here you'll find more information on the event. Interested faculty members and students are cordially invited to join the lecture!
December 7, 6 pm, room SR.1, Große Steinstr. 73