Newsarchiv: Business Ethics & Management Accounting
Jahr 2019
bema Research Project about CSR and Corporate Attractiveness in South Korea
16.04.2019: During the current semester, bema PhD student Nils Kruse is conducting research at ‘Ewha Womans University’ in Seoul/South Korea. The research project focuses on the question of how corporate diversity measures influence a company’s attractiveness from the perspective of female talent.
Corporate Governance and Business Ethics at the FHWien (Vienna)
15.04.2019: Recently Philipp Schreck gave a talk under the title "Cooperation and Collective Self-Commitment for the Greater Good" at the FHWien.
Julia Grimm successfully defended her PhD thesis
21.02.2019: We are very glad about the successful defense of Julia Grimm`s dissertation about "Private Governance as an Institutional Response to Wicked Problems: A Study of the German Partnership for Sustainable Textiles".
Julia now works at the Free University Amsterdam (VU). She is a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute for Environmental Studies, Department for Environmental Policy Analysis.
Invitation: Dialogue about the energy transformation and social sustainability
07.02.2019: "Global goals, local consequences: How can the energy transformation be implemented in a socially sustainable way?" (in German)
Scholarship by Investitionsbank Sachsen-Anhalt
24.01.2019: Apply before February 15: The IB Sachsen-Anhalt awards four scholarships to excellent students. The scholarships amount to 300 € per month starting in the summer term 2019.
bema's finest 2019
16.01.2019: The bema team and its best students met yesterday at the event "bema`s finest". We prepared Spanish tapas in small groups while enjoying drinks and great conversations, for example with our guest Michael Alber from Axel Springer Ideas Engineering.
Jahr 2018
Annual report 2018
17.12.2018: This year`s annual report is complete. In this report, we look back on 2018 and compile a review of the most important and interesting research and teaching related events at bema. You can find our annual reports here.
bema receives teaching award 2018
17.12.2018: For the third time, bema received the faculty`s teaching award for the course "Unternehmensethik" (Business Ethics). Each year, the courses with the best evaluations are nominated for the prize. To determine the winner from this short list, the students vote for the best course. The prize is donated by the Volkswagen Financial Services AG.
Paper published in Journal of Business Economics
06.12.2018: Linda Kannenberg and Philipp Schreck publiched the paper "Integrated Reporting: Boon or Bane? A Review of Empirical Research on its Determinants and Implications" in the Journal of Business Economics. Congratulations!
Kannenberg, L. & Schreck, P. (2018). Integrated Reporting: Boon or Bane? A Review of Empirical Research on its Determinants and Implications. Journal of Business Economics. Advance online publication. DOI: 10.1007/s11573-018-0922-8
New Pictures
27.11.2018: The attentive observer will have noticed our new team picture as well as new portrait photos of some bema team members. Many thanks to Yvonne Most Photography for the nice pictures!
December 5: Guest lecture by Agne Kajackaite (Berlin Social Science Center)
26.11.2018: We are looking forward to welcoming Dr. Agne Kajackaite on December 5. As part of our workshop series "Research in Ethics and Accounting," she will discuss a current research project under the title "Poverty negates the impact of social norms on cheating."
We would be delighted to see many colleagues and other interested participants at the event! 6pm, room SR1.
Application deadline extended: 7th Academy for Energy and Acceptance
20.11.2018: On February 24 to March 1, 2019, 20 students will discuss the topic "Global goals, local effects: How to implement the energy transition in socially sustainable way" in Wittenberg. Costs will be covered; the new deadline for applications is November 30, 2018.